Whole vs. Crushed Crystal Malt

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New Member
Sep 28, 2013
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So I completed my second all grain brew yesterday. I used whole crystal malt rather than crushed (didn't realise there was a difference).

My opening gravity was fine as was colour, taste, etc.

I was wondering what problems (if any) I have caused by not using crushed malt?


Malts are sold whole to allow the brewer to crush it themselves. You won't have ruined the beer, just drastically reduced the effect of the crystal. It is crushed to make the sugars more accessible. Without crushing the sugars are trapped inside the husk.

What's the best way to crush for next time?

Could I do it in a food processor/blender?
ByronMcG said:

What's the best way to crush for next time?

Could I do it in a food processor/blender?

put it in a zip bag or any bag will do and crush with a rolling pin or whatever you have and compare that with the grains you have already crushed
you do not want to crush the grain to much though
if its a small amount you can use the bottom off a flat cup or glass and push down with either
for simplicity i always buy crushed