Brewing again and not before time....

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Mar 19, 2014
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Isle of Skye
So a move North to Skye from Yorkshire has got me brewing again after 25 years, as good beer in Scotland can be quite hard to come by, and coming from the land of good ale, there was nothing for it but to do my own !
So armed with my hard fought previous knowledge of the basic beer kits of the day, usually Geordie, I set about looking back into it.
If there was one thing I learned in my early brewing days was they cleanliness was good, and the longer you could leave it in the barrel,the better it was... And using s30 cylinders rather than the crappy co2 bulbs.

So, after the inevitable internet research, I set off to the shop I used to use all those years ago, and still open ! It's a cake decorating shop in Shipley, West yorks also selling home brew supplies . It is like stepping back in time in this shop, bit like Arkwrights ! The guy has no till, just a notepad and a calculator to sort your bill, and of course, cash only, no cards....

It was a truly wonderful shopping experience. Two Asian ladies in front buying fancy cake bits, the next guy wanting a half pound of dried berries and some wine fortifier, then me....

The guy was great, and an obvious enthusiast . We went through all the kits whilst he explained recent developments. I must have been there for a good half hour and came away with a variety of kits from the basic ones to the premium stuff.

So the first one has just gone on, a Finlandia kit which being sold off cheap at
Shipley, eh? Got an actual street address?

Also, you've been whacked by the "this forum can't currently cope with a pound sign" bug. Was there much in your post past that point?
Ha ha,
So that's where the rest of my post went, I did wonder.

Only to add that once I got cracking again all the old routine and nostalgia came flooding back, especially the smell of the warm wort as I rinsed the can out...
Now sat watching for the first bubbles throughout he airlock though I guess that will be tomorrow .

The shop is on Commercial Street in Shipley, about 100yds before the Ducati motorcycle shop. Well worth a visit with a large selection and prices to match the internet, especially when you consider postage costs these days !
Welcome to the forum :thumb:

You are right about the time but you also need to watch your fermentation temps. Try to keep them 18-20C and you will be sailing.

Now though we need to have a chat about this

good beer in Scotland can be quite hard to come by

There is many a GREAT brewery in Scotland. Brewdog, Williams, Fyne Ales, St Andrews Brewery Company, Orkney Brewery, Cromarty Brewery, Inveralmond Brewery just to name a few. If you get out and have a look you WILL find some great Scottish Breweries and Beers :drink:
Eden brewery is another fantastic brewery , plenty great breweries in Scotland, my worst thou TSA traditional Scottish ales but known by most as terrible Scottish ales.but on the whole the micro brewery scene is booming in Scotland and most are excellent
Ok, sorry. I'm sure there must be some good beers to be had, it's just my experience of visiting Scotland over the years and 'popping in for a pint' usually ended up with a pint of 80 bob, better than the 70 , but only just... Things have improved, I need to get to the Stein inn on Skye. Apparently they have a good selection.
Oddly,I have the same beer banter with my brother in law, who is from Kent. He pointed me to a new ale house in Broadstairs. Four of the five guest beers were from Yorkshire ! Though I am developing a taste for some of the Shepherd Neame brews....
Of course, it's all subjective

My fav, if your'e interested, and the one I will be sad to leave, has got to be Timothy Taylor's (all of em) closely followed by Tetleys bitter, though finding a good one of those is getting difficult ! And not forgetting Thwaites, Lancashire I know, but close enough...

So, my first batch is fizzing away this morning and giving off that lovely aroma.
I just got giddy and bought three Woodford kits at just 20 quid apiece.

Bring it on....

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