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Do you think its time for the government to bring back mask wearing where necessary?

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Staff member
Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
Mrs T had covid over Christmas and unfortunately it wasn't similar to a mild cold as many are saying COVID now is this really has hit her hard and she is still breathless even though she tested negative a few days ago.

Numbers are on the increase again meaning extra pressure on the NHS is it time to bring back mask wearing on public transport and in shops to try to slow the spread.

I know we all hate wearing them but i would be happy to go back to wearing one, i can put up with a small amount of personal inconvenience if it benefits the majority.
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Sorry but I'm done with them. Having to wear them honestly effected my mental health so God knows what it is doing to children. I personally think the scaldy old mask people stuff back into their pockets makes no difference anyway. I'm no climate zealot but the pollution just from masks over the last couple of years must be astronomical.
my view is, it should be down to personnel choice, i will were one in really busy places if it gets worse i will have no more jabs i havn't had a flu jab this year and won't, i am done with it all, this government is seriously taking the **** never mind railway workers and nurses going on strike the whole bloody country should go on strike rant over i am having a beer acheers.
Sorry but I'm done with them. Having to wear them honestly effected my mental health so God knows what it is doing to children. I personally think the scaldy old mask people stuff back into their pockets makes no difference anyway. I'm no climate zealot but the pollution just from masks over the last couple of years must be astronomical.

Wearing a mask affected your mental health?
Wearing a mask affected your mental health?
Hard to believe but yes. I started getting some sort of anxiety when wearing it (not sure if it was by me wearing it or looking at everyone else with them on) and then when we stopped wearing them it was like I was getting agoraphobia. The latter could easily be from the lockdowns but the former was definitely the masks.
I've never had anything like that in my life but it shows that completely upending how society functions can get to some people. I doubt I'm the only one to experience something like that.
It's a hard question to answer without some scientific data to justify whether wearing masks would have a noticeable impact on rates of transmission.

I remember back to when they were 'mandatory' before and you had a significant number of people who either refused to wear them or didn't wear them properly. Given how long we've now gone without masks, I think you'd also find people are less willing to go back to wearing them so those numbers would increase.

There is also the issue of whether the masks being used are actually effective or not as there was no standard being applied to specify a 'Covid-safe' mask.

Bear in mind that wearing a mask predominantly prevents you from spreading Covid, rather than from catching it. So with no requirement for people to isolate and potentially less adherence for mask wearing the benefits may not be that significant.

On a personal level, if it was made mandatory again then I'd wear one. If it was recommended but optional then I'd probably take it on a case-by-case basis, if the majority of people in the space I am in are wearing one then I'd wear it too and vice-versa.

FactCheck verdict

There is plenty of data to support the idea that face masks block particles of respiratory viruses in the lab.

Where it gets complicated is the evidence for mask-wearing policies in the real world to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

As it stands, the data is conflicting and often shows only modest results. That’s partly because it can be difficult to measure the effect of mask-wearing independent of other factors. The World Health Organization says the evidence is “limited and inconsistent”, though recommends their use all the same.

Many experts say that even if it’s not the definitive factor in battling Covid-19, it’s still worth adopting masks.

They argue that there does not seem to be any major downside from making them mandatory in most indoor public settings, and that waiting until the gold standard of evidence has been reached could end up costing lives.
Hard to believe but yes. I started getting some sort of anxiety when wearing it (not sure if it was by me wearing it or looking at everyone else with them on) and then when we stopped wearing them it was like I was getting agoraphobia. The latter could easily be from the lockdowns but the former was definitely the masks.
I've never had anything like that in my life but it shows that completely upending how society functions can get to some people. I doubt I'm the only one to experience something like that.
I know people who experienced something similar. They had previous mental health problems before COVID. Anyone who was already suffering from anxiety seemed to struggle with it all. Plus anyone suffering from addiction, depression all support groups were moved to online. COVID killed alot more than the one's who died in hospital.
I know people who experienced something similar. They had previous mental health problems before COVID. Anyone who was already suffering from anxiety seemed to struggle with it all. Plus anyone suffering from addiction, depression all support groups were moved to online. COVID killed alot more than the one's who died in hospital.

And continues to unfortunately. Directly, and indirectly.
I think with post covid problems.... Theres a bit of a frog boiling thing going on. We all predicted massove issues post covid, but we probably expected them to manifest themselves in one big bang.

The reality is they haven't. They have crept in. I was thinking the other day my life is different. I cant specify how, but one thing I know is there's less social contact, by why I mean there's been a drift between myself and people I had hitherto always kept up with. Even then, it's not defined. It's just something I'm aware of.

Then you look at the state of various industries, the discontent etc. Its all a hangover so big IMO that none of us can zoom out far enough to see it. It's like a fog.
I know people who experienced something similar. They had previous mental health problems before COVID. Anyone who was already suffering from anxiety seemed to struggle with it all. Plus anyone suffering from addiction, depression all support groups were moved to online. COVID killed alot more than the one's who died in hospital.
I had no issues before and nothing since. People just need human interaction. The powerful only obeyed the rules for cameras as we all seen.
My cousin is a primary teacher and she told me she can she a massive difference in the kids in her school because of the masks... In terms of education and their own personal development.
Your seatbelt is a precision engineered piece of equipment that gets one good use. That manky mask from china/india you used over and over wasn't. No comparison.
If you want to hear both sides of the argument on this subject from people who know what they are talking about go to Nicky Campbell - 04/01/2023 - BBC Sounds then listen from 15:37.
I was rebutting this aspect of the reply
That manky mask from china/india you used over and over wasn't. No comparison.

N95 mask used correctly is very effective as your link showed.
My mother tested positive today as we were on the way to visit.
So we turned back, pub lunch, pint of Harvey's and pint of long blonde.
N95 mask used correctly is very effective as your link showed.
My mother tested positive today as we were on the way to visit.
So we turned back, pub lunch, pint of Harvey's and pint of long blonde.

I hope she gets well soon, my son has had it and his was fairly mild the wife not so good but she has never been anywhere near the stage where she thought she needed to go to hospital and she seems to be getting better every day. (i guess the strong antibiotics helped)

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