General election

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  • Conservative

  • Reform

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  • Lib Dem

  • Still on the fence.

  • Plaid cymru

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And where is the money going to come from? with a debt exceeding GDP I would love to see a breakdown of where the money will come from and how it will be allocated.

And this is the biggest issue facing any incoming government. The only difference is going to be around priorities and if anyone is willing to something genuinely bold on taxation.
And where is the money going to come from? with a debt exceeding GDP I would love to see a breakdown of where the money will come from and how it will be allocated.
I would have thought imposing new levies and increasing existing ones on commonwealth countries would do the trick nicely. About time these freeloaders paid their proper dues to the Crown.

Only Joking, Foxy. Good job the tories didn''t think of this and that Starmer isn't a home brewer (as far as we know)
Call me am old cynic but they have had 14 years to bring this in why if they get in again?

Twelve months of mandatory national service would be reintroduced by the Conservatives if they win the general election.

Eighteen-year-olds would be able to apply for one of 30,000 full-time military placements or volunteering one weekend a month carrying out a community service.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he believed bringing back compulsory service across the UK would help foster the "national spirit" that emerged during the pandemic.

Labour criticised the plans, expected to cost about £2.5bn, as "desperate" and "unfunded".

The Conservatives want the first teenagers to take part in a pilot from September 2025, with details to be worked out by a Royal Commission

The armed forces placements would allow young people to learn about cyber security, logistics, procurement, or civil response operations.

Non-military volunteering would involve 25 days with organisations such as the fire service, the police and the NHS.

Mr Sunak said: “This is a great country but generations of young people have not had the opportunities or experience they deserve and there are forces trying to divide our society in this increasingly uncertain world.

"I will bring in a new model of national service to create a shared sense of purpose among our young people and a renewed sense of pride in our country."

He added the move would help young people learn "real world skills, do new things and contribute to their community and our country".

Full article -
I was born in wales and I live in wales my parents are both English. I'm British. We should be able to get along with each other and mostly we do. I don't feel oppressed more disappointed by many dull things the welsh government do.
Government here in it's current form is dysfunctional. Two largest parties are polar opposites, both abuse the veto. Large parts of N. Ireland lack serious investment.
And where is the money going to come from? with a debt exceeding GDP I would love to see a breakdown of where the money will come from and how it will be allocated.

Great British Energy for a start.

Let's assume we have indeed forgotten. What are you talking about? Labour left public services in good condition then a global economic crash, not Brown's fault, but Brown did save the world. Then Cameron, austerity, Brexit (a tory project) poking pigs and that was the least of it. Tories have wielded the wrecking ball with glee and diverted as much public money as they can. Tory power is perfectly portrayed in the state of England's waters and seas. Scum and filth and their mates given a free hand to carry on. This is reflected in all aspects of tory governance.
So what exactly are you referring to?
They must have left something, they got absolutely trashed in 2010
They must have left something, they got absolutely trashed in 2010
True enough. Everything in the basket was by no means rosy. And there was Iraq, too. But suggesting that remedying labour's legacy is in the same league or even universe as the legacy that this lot are leaving is misleading to say the least. People can, perhaps, be forgiven for voting for Cameron and the Lib Dems, who ended up in a coalition: time for a change, word-wide recession, Iraq, geeky Milliband etc etc, but there can be no excuse for voting for the Clown in 2019. That's not democracy, it's mass insanity. What does it say about the British people? And we laugh at the Yanks for supporting Trump! We've really got nothing to laugh at.
The National Service stuff is just absolutely nuts. Trying to win back some votes from Reform, but creating headlines that horrify far more voters. So the solution to the problems of a divided country (that they themselves presided over) in the year 2024 is National Service??? Really? It's like they have given up
Call me am old cynic but they have had 14 years to bring this in why if they get in again?

Twelve months of mandatory national service would be reintroduced by the Conservatives if they win the general election.

Eighteen-year-olds would be able to apply for one of 30,000 full-time military placements or volunteering one weekend a month carrying out a community service.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he believed bringing back compulsory service across the UK would help foster the "national spirit" that emerged during the pandemic.

Labour criticised the plans, expected to cost about £2.5bn, as "desperate" and "unfunded".

The Conservatives want the first teenagers to take part in a pilot from September 2025, with details to be worked out by a Royal Commission

The armed forces placements would allow young people to learn about cyber security, logistics, procurement, or civil response operations.

Non-military volunteering would involve 25 days with organisations such as the fire service, the police and the NHS.

Mr Sunak said: “This is a great country but generations of young people have not had the opportunities or experience they deserve and there are forces trying to divide our society in this increasingly uncertain world.

"I will bring in a new model of national service to create a shared sense of purpose among our young people and a renewed sense of pride in our country."

He added the move would help young people learn "real world skills, do new things and contribute to their community and our country".

Full article -
This is a bit close to home for what I do. However, what I will add here is that no-one is queuing up to join the military. Back in the day, many people would sign up because they saw the opportunities that the armed forces bring.
Sadly, many of those roles are also now redundant. A relative was a cartographer in the RAF - he basically drew maps from planes.
These days, with satellites, drones and modern technology, his skills were not needed.

In the same way that those who work in signals, it's almost entirely wiped out. Signals previously (HF radio) and signals today (satellite comms) are a world apart.

I'd like to see more people join the armed forces, but I don't think forcing anyone to do it is going to make our defence a better place to be. Not everyone suits it. There's certainly no way I would suit ground forces at all. I'd last 10 minutes. I was never sporty at school and whilst I didn't come last at cross country, I wasn't far from it.

This is a last gasp ditch at trying to get the nationalist vote. It's not the right thing at the right time.

My personal thoughts are that we need to encourage and incentivise people. But forcing it isn't the right way.

One thing he has got absolutely spot on, the cold war is very much still happening and we need experts in cyber security. Arguably, we're in the midst of a cyber war. Speak to anyone who works in cyber security in any major organisation. 10,000 attempts to break in per minute is mild.

It's also very, very lucrative. Cyber security analysts are not cheap and anyone can train up and do it.
A relative was a cartographer in the RAF - he basically drew maps from planes.
These days, with satellites, drones and modern technology, his skills were not needed.
But cartography skills are still needed - it's just that the likes of the Royal School of Military Survey are all about GIS nowadays.
Twelve months of mandatory national service would be reintroduced by the Conservatives if they win the general election.

Eighteen-year-olds would be able to apply for one of 30,000 full-time military placements or volunteering one weekend a month carrying out a community service.
Typical tory smoke and mirrors, lies and obfustication. They make it sound as though all 18 year old will do military service except for the conscientious objectors and the limp-wristed. This will create a new sense of unity and national camaraderie and pride.
30000 out of, say, 800000 18 year olds in any given year is only 3.75%. Are we to assume that we shall then have the remaining 770000 kicking their heels and volunteering for all sorts of stuff? It'll be like bob-a-job week lasting forever and we'll soon be heartily sick of spotty-faced little oiks turning up on our doorsteps every weekend asking for things to do.
Nicely thought through Mr Smac-head, Boris' Bridge to Ireland was a better idea than this.
But cartography skills are still needed - it's just that the likes of the Royal School of Military Survey are all about GIS nowadays.
But that’s the point. GIS is computer skills which needs a computer brain. I love playing with it. But this relative was rubbish with computers but was excellent at drawing the minute details.
Typical tory smoke and mirrors, lies and obfustication. They make it sound as though all 18 year old will do military service except for the conscientious objectors and the limp-wristed. This will create a new sense of unity and national camaraderie and pride.
30000 out of, say, 800000 18 year olds in any given year is only 3.75%. Are we to assume that we shall then have the remaining 770000 kicking their heels and volunteering for all sorts of stuff? It'll be like bob-a-job week lasting forever and we'll soon be heartily sick of spotty-faced little oiks turning up on our doorsteps every weekend asking for things to do.
Nicely thought through Mr Smac-head, Boris' Bridge to Ireland was a better idea than this.
I'm sure the rich kids will be able 'volunteer' at their parent's hedge funds and clubs.

This is really going to get out the vote (of young people voting against the Tories, as well as their parents).

Young people have been mightily shafted by this government, and it is a bit rich rich to make them the problem that needs to be solved
Smoke and mirrors for sure it's not compulsory and does not need to be served in the armed forces, that is not national service just a play on words.

Now if he had said something like they will offer an accredited apprenticeship or recognised qualifications for all 18 year olds not in full time employment then that I can understand and support.

Perhaps the other parties can pull the potentially good points from this the idea of weekend volunteers I would back this if they were paid, not free labour and not taxed on the additional income.

Defence is much wider than front line these days lots of potential to assist our defences if we think outside the box.

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