Green King IPA 3.2%

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Feb 3, 2012
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I went to our local supermarket for some lovely beer last night and saw that there was Green King IPA on offer for £1 a bottle.

I thought i'll have 4 of those instead of my usuals, (Hobgoblin, Wychcraft, Fixby Gold, Wainright) ooooh what a mistake to make!!!!!! :sick: :sick: :sick:

The only way i can describe them is like insipid cheap lager with little to no body and to add insult to financial injury, i can't even use the bottles as they are clear!!!!!!

Has anyone else tried this brew and are there any other brews i need to avoid like this one?

Interesting choice of abv. If they'd brewed to 2.8% the tax would have been almost nowt.

Sorry it was 3.6% but no matter it was YAK :sick:
I will not be buying it again no matter how cheap they sell it :nah:
I went into a pub two weeks ago for a meal, I asked the barmaid for an old speckled hen.

Her reply was "we have just ran out" so I asked what other ales she had...... greene king ipa and john smiths, " I will have a pint of san miguel then" the shock on her face was funny! No way will I drink greene king ipa or john smiths lol
The export IPA is acutally rather nice.

I had about 4x18's of really good Greene King IPA about 4 years ago. It was absolutly lovely. They can do it but its mass produced and with variances in malt and hop prices over the year they can be very variable.

Personally I wont touch any filtered bottled beer from the supermarket. I think i'd rather have a nice bottle of HB or spend £2.50 on a bottle from the local bottle stop. But I will always want to have a good pint in the pub. (and I am lucky enough to treat myself every now and then!)

I have had a bottle of the Export before and it was passable but still not great.
Thats why i thought for that price i'll give the normal 3.6% a go, I't really isn't good at all!

I could have spent another £2 and had the 4 bottles of my prefered tipples.

Drinking these bottled beers/ales from the supermarket is ok and i do quite like some of them, but in all honesty i find my brews (kits at the moment) far far superior, and im not just saying that they really are.
I don't know what it is, maybe more body and flavour but they are just better.

I have an Admirals Reserve ready for bottling and i cant wait for it to be ready, then the Wherry is going on straight after that and the Sundew after that one.

I will go AG this year I will I will I will :pray:
here in sunny Oxford, Greene King IPA is in alot of pubs.....and thats where it generally stays...the dishwater after a sunday roast would taste better :sick:
Tesco do GK Abbot special reserve which is a fantastic bottled beer. It is usually £2 but from time to time the offer it at 4 bottles for £6, which is when I buy it - vg value for money IMO
Its beer. What's not to like about it?...
Cider on the other hand.... :sick:

Some beer is nicer than others, but its all great really.. :drink:
peelman said:
Its beer. What's not to like about it?...
Cider on the other hand.... :sick:

Some beer is nicer than others, but its all great really.. :drink:

That's like saying "A Findus lasagne is a lasagne after all. What's the point of trying the best crafted lasagne by the finest Italian cooks made from certified ingredients when you can be sure of what went into it, when you can stick this in the microwave for 2 minutes?"

Shh now. :nono:
I agree I had a pint of Adnams Southwold and it was utter cack, served to cold to heavy on the crystal malt and not enough hops for my liking. It may have been fine when it left the factory er sorry brewery but by the time it had been served at c*rlsberg temps it was total utter Sh*te. Then went onto the Guinness that was no better.

I wonder why I don't go to the pub, why pay nearly 3 quid for a pint of total and utter ****. :nono: :nono:

So Peelman just because it is 'beer' doesn't make it a good beer, there is plenty not to like about a bad pint of beer.
peelman said:
Its beer. What's not to like about it?...
Cider on the other hand.... :sick:

Some beer is nicer than others, but its all great really.. :drink:
I'm divided here because although there is a massive difference between a good beer and a bad beer, after I get over the initial disappointment of a bad beer I'm ok with it and tend to tell myself " Och well it's still a beer " so I see where you're coming from but not they're not all just another beer ( some can be quite special )
narmour said:
That's like saying "A Findus lasagne is a lasagne after all. What's the point of trying the best crafted lasagne by the finest Italian cooks made from certified ingredients when you can be sure of what went into it, when you can stick this in the microwave for 2 minutes?"

Shh now. :nono:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :clap: :clap:
alawlor66430 said:
peelman said:
Its beer. What's not to like about it?...
Cider on the other hand.... :sick:

Some beer is nicer than others, but its all great really.. :drink:
I'm divided here because although there is a massive difference between a good beer and a bad beer, after I get over the initial disappointment of a bad beer I'm ok with it and tend to tell myself " Och well it's still a beer " so I see where you're coming from but not they're not all just another beer ( some can be quite special )

I agree with you there, some beers are fantastic and miles better than other beers.
But to me the 'other beers' are still good too. I can't say I have ever drank any beer and thought that was horrible and I would rather go without than drink it again.
HOWEVER IF I went in a pub and there was a choice of a bog standard bitter or larger or as you say something "quite special" then obviously I would go for the "quite special" beer. But if there was no choice then the bog standard stuff would do and I would enjoy it for certain... :drunk:
I would prefer to chew off my right arm and drink my own blood than drink a pint of J*hn Sh*te, as I said the pint of adnams i had wasn't much better and the guinness was a pale shadow of its former self.

No I would not drink in that pub again, even if they had a decent ale on (and by the looks of the pump label behind the bar they obviously did have some good beers at some point) I wouldn't.

Why? because they don't know how to keep a good pint or serve one.

So for me if its not a decent pint then its not worth drinking, I can go home and do that.
jamesb said:
Greene King IPA.

I would rather s**t in my hands and clap.

:rofl: That's a good one.. I will have to remember that..
jamesb said:
Greene King IPA.

I would rather s**t in my hands and clap.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Love it!

I can honestly say that i won't be buying any GK again, and would rather drink water.
It tasted like a cheap bodyless lager than an ale, i drink beer/ale because i enjoy it not because it's beer/ale.
I used to drink mainly lagers and ended up on Stella as for me it had the best flavour but started to want more from a drink than just to quench my thirst and get me a bit :drunk:
Hence the reason i began down the slippery slope of brewing my own and drinking the speciality beers sold at the supermarkets!

I very rarely go to the pub these days and if i do i usually have a coffee as im the driver but on the odd occation im not i look for speciality beers or usualy end up with a Guinness.
There's so many superb British and international breweries selling amazing beers these days, there really is no need to drink mediocre beer any more. Lets look at a very small list:

Stuff I've had recently from the supermarket:

Fullers - London Pride, Bengal Lancer, ESB
Bath Ales: Barnstormer
Skinners - Betty Stogs, Heligan Honey, Ginger ******
Sierra Nevada: Pale Ale, Torpedo Extra IPA
Erdinger: Hefeweizen, Hefeweizen Dunkel
Brewdog: Punk IPA, Dead Pony Club
St Austell: Tribute
Timothy Taylors: Landlord
Thornbridge: Jaipur

And from the bottle shop? Any beer brewed by the following, to name but a few:

Moor Beer
Arbor Ales
The Kernel
Summer Wine
Bristol Beer Factory
Rebel Brewing Co.
De Molen
Magic Rock

If I had £12 to spend on beer, I'd buy 4 of any of the above over a 12 or 24 pack of Greene King/Smiths/OSH or any other beer of that ilk, any day of the week. In fact, if there was a choice of only GK/JS/OSH etc, I'd drink wine instead.

Greene King IPA! IPA? Don't even get me started on that! :twisted: :nono:

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