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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
America bombing Syrian air base as they are sure Assad is to blame, Russia saying it's too early to intervene as they have no evidence it was him, are we going to spend money we cannot afford joining America in another war which is nothing to do with us or have we learned our lesson?
I'm not quite sure what message he wants to send. It's ok to kill people with bombs, but not chemical weapons. Maybe he's got upset about the implications he's in in Putins pocket. Or maybe just to divert attention from home. What ever it what it won't do is end this awful civil war.
have the yanks and in deed the west in general learned nothing from two gulf wars,you cannot democracies warring muslim factions.They have been at each others throats since the dawn of time and need a gaddaffi or hussain to keep an uneasy peace in their countrys.Its high time the yanks stopped trying to be the worlds policeman look at the mess they have left in the middle east its worse than it ever was before they and us yes us (blair) started poking our noses in other countrys business
I' not sure what that's going to acheive. Theresa May will be over their soon to flog Assad more planes bombs etc to replace the ones the Americans blew up, as she seems to be on a tour of nasty dictators at the moment to drum up business and flog them British weaponary
It appeared yesterday that the Russians were not best pleased with Assad and whilst they still reject the theory that he actually launched the chemical attack they are probably happy for the Americans to give him a sharp reminder. Wouldn't surprise me if Trump contacted them before hand and warned then.

it keeps Trumps credibility high in the US, maintains a sort of relationship with Russia since it was a limited attack on an Airforce base and sends a message to Assad that both the Russians and yanks will not stand for more such attacks.

This was a limited attack on military premises only and I believe the message he is sending is that when I warn people I carry out the threat, that was Obama's mistake! A bit like when judges constantly warn people with 197 previous convictions that they will be sent to prison NEXT time it has to stop somewhere. Trump is saying it stops here. As for being the World's policeman, Chemical weapons are a war crime and in their own right justify that action can be taken to protect civilians and the rest of the world.

BTW I am NOT aTrump supporter but it seems the US millitary have advised him on this one correctly
America bombing Syrian air base as they are sure Assad is to blame, Russia saying it's too early to intervene as they have no evidence it was him, are we going to spend money we cannot afford joining America in another war which is nothing to do with us or have we learned our lesson?

The US say they have incontrovertible evidence that the attack was launched from this airport. As for the theory that an attack may have hit a rebel stash of Sarin this was rejected yesterday by a UK Chemical weapon expert who has had experience of destroying sarin weapons multiple times. He emphatically declared that such an attack would obliterate the sarin gas completely in such a way that it could not affect the local population. the sarin was launched at the area , not stored there.
I read this earlier and i couldn't believe the BS in it, who writes this stuff?

"My fellow Americans, on Tuesday Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad launched a horrible chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians.

At the time did he have any evidence who launched the "horrible" chemical weaposs? (are there nice chemical weapons) :roll:

Using a deadly nerve agent, Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, women and children.

It was a slow and brutal death for so many. Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack. No child of God should ever suffer such horror.

Are babies lives more important than any other life?

Tonight I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched.

At the time of the speech had this been proven 100%?

It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons.

And bombing the country you assume used them is going to help how?
There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the chemical weapons convention, and ignored the urging of the UN Security Council

He keeps repeating it was Syria where is the evidence? (the second part is just to remind his fellow Americans how "horrible" these weapons are)

Tonight I call on all civilised nations to join us in seeking to end the slaughter and bloodshed in Syria, and also to end terrorism of all kinds and all types.

As Global33 says above how is it OK to kill people with bombs but not chemical weapons?

We pray for the lives of the wounded and for the souls of those who have passed, and we hope that as long as America stands for justice, then peace and harmony will in the end prevail

I wonder if he prayed for the hundreds of thousands of innocent people that were killed in the bombings in recent wars, i have a feeling he didn't.

The US say they have incontrovertible evidence that the attack was launched from this airport.

Do we all remember when we were told there were weapons of mass distraction? :wink:

If they have such evidence why not wait get everyone on board then launch an attack (or whatever action is decided) the reason is they know no one wants another war like the ones we have just had when we shoot first and ask questions later.
America bombing Syrian air base as they are sure Assad is to blame, Russia saying it's too early to intervene as they have no evidence it was him, are we going to spend money we cannot afford joining America in another war which is nothing to do with us or have we learned our lesson?

We will do whatever America tells us to do. The UK is America`s "bitch" and has been since 1914/15
Surely after the recent wars this is the way forward but i have a feeling common sense will not prevail.

Leader Jeremy Corbyn said: "Tuesday's horrific chemical attack was a war crime which requires urgent independent UN investigation and those responsible must be held to account.
"But unilateral military action without legal authorisation or independent verification risks intensifying a multi-sided conflict that has already killed hundreds of thousands of people.
He said the UK government "should urge restraint on the Trump administration and throw its weight behind peace negotiations and a comprehensive political settlement".

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