Lager I have a problem - please help

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Dec 27, 2012
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I did a Better Brew Pilsner it fermented at 19°C and was stored cold over the last couple of months but it still doesn't taste like real pilsner.

I like larger and would like to brew more (I'm going over to AG BIAB) but while I'm able to control the fermentation temperature to 12°C but my brew fridge is in the garage and won't hold below say 8°C so I'm not able to maintain largering temperature.

Is there any way around this, any way to make lager with an authentic taste?

ATB. Aamcle
I have just brewed the same kit :D but am still waiting for it to condition. The problem I think you will have is the kits use a beer yeast not a lager yeast, now I am still new to this so I could be wrong but a lager yeast ferments at about 15 degrees where as a beer yeast likes about 20 degrees, then you store it at about 1 degree which softens the taste, it is something I am looking at for the future once I can clear a bit more space :D
You definitely need an authentic lager yeast to brew a proper lager. A constant fermentation temp of around 8-10C is also key. Finally, you need to be able to lager it near 0C for several months to get the crisp clean nature of a lager. But all of that revolves around a true lager yeast.
You did!

I gave a pretty tight range there and there are always exceptions. I was just providing the most common range. Always check the recommendations for the specific yeast you are using. But in general, those temps are fairly safe.
Once I can get space for a fermenting fridge I am looking at doing one of the lager kits but swapping the yeast over for a lager yeast to see what happens, havent got space or money to go AG yet but that is the long term plan :D
A bit more research has provided an answer.

I'll have to do lager in summer when the ambient temp is over 10°C because the fridge I'm using has a rating of SN.
