2nd AG mini brew simple Czech pilsner

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Jun 7, 2015
Reaction score
near Wrexham
As i had all day i thought why not do 2 brews... bad move, 10 later just finished :mrgreen:

1kg pilsner malt
50g carapils
14g saaz @ 90min
7g saaz @ 45 min
3g saaz @ 15min

Saflager w34/70 @12c

target OG 1048, actual OG 1.046 :thumb:

went better than the first brew, better control of Mash temperature, more water in the sparge to allow for boil off, finished about 300ml over that was lost with the trub in the boiler.

Slightly light on the target OG i guess from the additional water, as I calculated things a bit tight first time.. maybe another 50-100g malt next time?

still pretty close for a second go:lol:
Sounds like you have got the bug, right enough.

Welcome to the Dark Side!
As i had all day i thought why not do 2 brews... bad move, 10 later just finished :mrgreen:

1kg pilsner malt
50g carapils
14g saaz @ 90min
7g saaz @ 45 min
3g saaz @ 15min

Saflager w34/70 @12c

target OG 1048, actual OG 1.046 :thumb:

went better than the first brew, better control of Mash temperature, more water in the sparge to allow for boil off, finished about 300ml over that was lost with the trub in the boiler.

Slightly light on the target OG i guess from the additional water, as I calculated things a bit tight first time.. maybe another 50-100g malt next time?

still pretty close for a second go:lol:

Sounds close enough to me, I'd be v.happy with that :thumb:
Not ready yet ... not bubbling any more ..... but,.....

Before I pop this in the fridge for a month do I bottle it before or after?

Is there enough yeast to carbonate after lagering?
Bottle after lagering, and you don't need more yeast. Carbonation may take longer than an ale, I suspect.
SG down to 1.012 so into the fridge it goes, 3c for a few weeks

tastes pretty good, cant wait to sample the finished product
Just bottled this and have to say it tasted pretty good, cant wait to try it in a couple of weeks

only thing is it has not cleared ( not worry, the colour is near perfect), think I might have missed the moss/protafloc but cant recall?
Drank most of this in January, and was slightly disappointed ok but not right. .. Big mistake :-?

Tried on of the 2 bottles I kept last night.... what a transformation.... there's a reason lagering takes months, well worth the wait

I will be making another of these , maybe 2 for the summer.... Think I might substitute hatertau in 1, adjusted to give the same ibu
Consider using New Zealand aroma hops like wakatu and motueka which were bred from Hallertau and Saaz, they're really nice.