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May 14, 2015
Reaction score
I just wanted to say that this forum is one of the most decent, encouraging and well mannered forums I have ever been a member of.
There is always someone on hand to offer helpful and good advice without criticism, vilification or nastiness.
I believe this is down to the helpful and freindly nature of us homebrewers, (not forgetting you professionals amongst us).

Other forums I have been part of (and since left, because of the bad spirit) have always had an air of hierarachy, aloofness and a condescending nature to them. But these were not homebrew forums...

This makes us different from the norm. Please can we continue to keep the spirit alive! I'd hate to see this forum fall apart because of a few (un)choice words spoken in the heat of the moment.
Live and let live and all kiss and make up :-*

Lets all have a pint.

I'm 100% stone cold sober by the way, not that a single one of you would believe me after that sentimental hoo har.

Anyway, Cheers gang!
Agreed, there's a really friendly vibe on here and some really helpful people, god knows some of you must get tired of our same old newbie questions but it's rare to see any abrupt or condescending replies. Civilised and friendly makes it a nice space to visit and swap experience and a few laughs too
Yep, I have been a member of many forums over the years and I have to say this is the best by miles :thumb: I have learnt most of what I know about brewing from the kind and helpful people on this forum. Lots of people wanting to help and share their experiences, brilliant!!!

The one thing I love about this place is that we're all learning regardless of our level of experience and nobody has a know it all attitude. I've learned so much from people on here and no matter how stupid the question someone will always point me in the right direction and, more importantly, give encouragement.

In the time I've been here some top posters have come and gone, which is a shame, but the knowledge they've imparted has survived and is being passed on the others.

Yup, this place is great. I've been brewing for a year and learnt so much because of this place, not just from the regulars and the archives here, but also all the places that people on here have pointed me - byo, brulosophy, Greg Hughes, Ray Daniels...
+1 for all of the above. Love the knowledge sharing and the banter and soon the feedback.

Nicer than most other forums I've been on. Brewing or otherwise.

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As a noob I can say I have found nothing but positive helpful comments and advice when I have asked questions. Long may it continue and thumbs up to all you guys :D
Every question ive submitted to this forum has been answered, which i have found very helpful, i now find mself giving the same advice back to new members. I also enjoy the freindly banter which i look forward to responding to as often as i can!
I wish not to offend!
Well said you. I often check in just to see what beer related gubbins are being chatted about. When I post a question or just a happy personal brew achievement (or error), the responses are always positive and helpful. Cheers to us!
I just wanted to say that this forum is one of the most decent, encouraging and well mannered forums I have ever been a member of.
There is always someone on hand to offer helpful and good advice without criticism, vilification or nastiness.
I believe this is down to the helpful and freindly nature of us homebrewers, (not forgetting you professionals amongst us).

Other forums I have been part of (and since left, because of the bad spirit) have always had an air of hierarachy, aloofness and a condescending nature to them. But these were not homebrew forums...

This makes us different from the norm. Please can we continue to keep the spirit alive! I'd hate to see this forum fall apart because of a few (un)choice words spoken in the heat of the moment.
Live and let live and all kiss and make up :-*

Lets all have a pint.

I'm 100% stone cold sober by the way, not that a single one of you would believe me after that sentimental hoo har.

Anyway, Cheers gang!
I think you should leave straight away.
You have offended me greatly, and another thing,no one,I repeat no one should be posting here stone cold sober:lol:
The one thing I love about this place is that we're all learning regardless of our level of experience and nobody has a know it all attitude.

Very much this, I see it as a never ending journey we are all on, you never stop learning, and in turn when we discover something we pass it on..
agreed, ive said this a few times, nice forum,nice folk and very supportive, i like the no judgement feel and i feel i can ask even the most obvious questions without ridicule, ...most the time :lol: :thumb:
I just wanted to say that this forum is one of the most decent, encouraging and well mannered forums I have ever been a member of.
There is always someone on hand to offer helpful and good advice without criticism, vilification or nastiness.
I believe this is down to the helpful and freindly nature of us homebrewers, (not forgetting you professionals amongst us).

Other forums I have been part of (and since left, because of the bad spirit) have always had an air of hierarachy, aloofness and a condescending nature to them. But these were not homebrew forums...

This makes us different from the norm. Please can we continue to keep the spirit alive! I'd hate to see this forum fall apart because of a few (un)choice words spoken in the heat of the moment.
Live and let live and all kiss and make up :-*

Lets all have a pint.

I'm 100% stone cold sober by the way, not that a single one of you would believe me after that sentimental hoo har.

Anyway, Cheers gang!

I couldn't agree more, especially if your buying me that pint :lol::whistle:
It's why I've stuck around this forum - am a member of others but always seem to come back to this one.

Homebrewing does seem to generate a lot of camaraderie - one of the other hobby forums (not homebrewing) I'm on can descend into all out-war at times, which seems strange with people who supposedly share the same interest.