What are you drinking tonight 2021?

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Rhubarbra Striesand rhubarb milkshake pale, honestly this sort of stuff isn't for me, possibly the worst beer I have ever tasted, if I brewed it it would be straight down the sink.

Kiwi Pilsner by @pilgrimhudd


The impression I got from @pilgrimhudd was not to expect too much from this beer. But he's either a liar or lacking in confidence - this is a really good brew!

The only flaw I picked up was clarity - not that I'm in a position to judge by any stretch but it's verging on hefeweizen. Apart from that it's a cracking pint.

Head retention and lacing is excellent (feel free to argue the toss but I reckon that's the Carapils at work). @pilgrimhudd told me it's under-carbonated - hmm, yeah, I see what he means but for me it's fine and it's certainly far from flat. It finishes dry-ish but a touch more carbonation might make it that little bit more crisp.

Aroma-wise it's very subtle but there's a hint of citrus there. This is backed up in the taste - there's a breadiness that gives way to something kinda orangey-grapefruitey from the Riwaka hops.

No mistake, this is not a hoppy lager or IPL, it's definitely in the Pilsner style - it's just that the hop flavour stands out a bit more than Saaz or Mittelfruh which, while very nice, I always find a bit vague.

I really enjoyed this beer - the malt is really nicely balanced with the hops, which stand out enough to be distinctive but without stealing the show 👍🍻🙂
After more physical exertion than I'd like on a Sunday, I've cracked a keg of my Hodgepodge pale ale, as it's had a full 3 days conditioning time. 😉
Its dry with a pithy bitterness, which is perfect for today, but not what I asked for 😂
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