What's the easiest way to clean an FV?

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Sounds silly, but clean it as soon as it's emptied, rather than wait for a day or two!

Rinse with cold water, wipe with a soft cloth. Repeat as necessary.

When it comes to reusing I use VWP. I've never had any issues with chemical tastes. Just Leave it in the fv for half an hour, swill around a bit. Rinse and repeat as necessary. I find that without any real effort the VWP cleans off any spots I might have missed. Then I pour in a stored bottle of dilute Star San until required.

That's probably not the most efficient method, but it works for me.

I would imagine one of those mini steamers would be good for an FV. Maybe not if it's got a tap and a washer attached. I've got one somewhere, but not tried it.
hot water and a soft sponge mostly, if really mucky or smelly or I am not sure VWP..

You could do something you mentioned in another thread pour boiling water in seal then leave for a few mins.. The hot condensed water will kill and allow easy cleaning.
Rinse out with warm water and a soft sponge to get rid of the gunk, then soak in hot bleachy water for about half an hour and rinse.
I always give it a good swill out as soon as its empty. Plain hot water, lid on, shake vigorously, keeping hold of the lid as the hot water will bellow it a bit, empty it then more water and a thorough wipe over with a new cloth or kitchen towel. Another shake with hot water then shake with star san.
Hot water and a sponge to get the main crud off, and then a tip from someone on here, I use unscented oxi-action and fill it up with cold water outside and leave for a few hours, and then rinse, and it comes up gleaming
I give mine a rinse with a hosepipe straight after bottling, then fill with a Bruclens mixture and leave for a couple of days, then thoroughly rinse out.
Hose pipe to wash the krausen residue off with a spot of bleach into the bucket then a quick rub round before tipping out while rinsing.
I then fill it with a vwp solution to clean the rest of the bottling equipment.
The Belfast sink swmbo wanted in the new kitchen is a big help.
Not sure what you consider to be quick but I take mine into the bath and fill it with hot water from the shower and put some oxiclean in. Leave it for half an hour, empty then rinse. If there's any crud left, it should scrub off pretty easily.
As mentioned I think the key is to clean them as soon as you can after emptying. I know from experience that leaving them for a few days makes it a PITA to get them clean.

I rinse mine out with hot water and clean with one of those sponge scourers that is for non-stick pans so it doesn't scratch the FV, once I got most of the muck out I give it a good clean with hot water and a small squirt of washing up liquid (it's anti-bacterial after all), then rinse with cold water.

Before use it gets StarSan squirted all over the insides from my sprayer after which I drain away the excess and get on with my brew.
Hose pipe connected to the hot tap to blast the main dirt away, thin bleach, water and sponge to sterilise.
Hose out to remove the trub and give any crud a blast.
Then put in a few litres of PBW solution (no need to use too much) and give it a scrub with one of the no scratch scour pads. When happy empty, rinse and fully dry.
On day of use I just spray with StarSan
Thanks all :thumb:

I normally just hose it down with the shower head in the bath straight after wracking the beer out. Gets the krausen crud of easily. Then on brewday I give it a good clean with a j cloth and warm soapy water.

I really like Wr42's tip about giving it a wipe around with a bleachy cloth
Wash mine with warm water and a cloth, usually all that is needed and a rinse with cold water straight after bottling or racking:thumb:
I fill with hot water and oxi clean. Leave soak for 10 mins and then scrub. Leave drain for a little while then dry with a muslin. I tend to do this after and before use
As above, oxi clean and warm water as soon as it's empty, then rinse with hot water, keeps it nice and easy. After, remove the tap and nut and soak in oxi clean, as **** gets stuck in there sometimes. Dry and store away. Just rinse with star San on brew day.
(1) good rinse with boiling water removing most of the sludge
(2) half fill with very hot water and add a couple of scoops of oxyi
(3) remove airlock from screw top lid and replace with solid bung
(4) up end and prop against garden wall , then go and get a coffee
(5) 1/2 hour later turn fv right way up and leave for 30 min or so
(6) Give it a good wipe round with cloth or sponge
(7) Empty and give that bad boy a good blast with power wash
(8) Have a good nose round inside with an inspection mirror. (cheap as chips on flea bay & if you run any type of keg a must)
(9) If I am happy with it then let it dry out and star san

I realise that's a bit long winded. However I am a bit retentive on the old cleaning front, and don't see any easy way to clean the screw top fvs that I use. As far as crud is concerned it gets everywhere you can & cant see, particularly in the indents inside the roof where the carrying handles are.

Finally I give all my plastic a good soak in domestos at a rate of 25ml per litre for 24 hours every 3-6 months, followed by the usually blast and finally a soak with a capden tablet for another 24 to rid the chlorine. That brings them back like new.

I just use hot water and a sponge straight after its empty, drain and if there is any starsan close by I spray inside and inside lid and put away. Then before use, rinse again with hot water and again spry with starsan. Not had any problems yet with this method.

Jay :)
I fill with hot water and oxi clean. Leave soak for 10 mins and then scrub. Leave drain for a little while then dry with a muslin. I tend to do this after and before use
I do the same. I use Oxi clean and everything comes up sparkling :ugeek: