homebrewing popularity trends

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2023
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some interesting trends in homebrewing



Does it factor in COVID lockdowns & people being bored at home?

Before that, people might be given a home brew starter kit for Christmas that got used once or twice.
Those of us the made our beer were viewed as slightly eccentric (like Morris dancers or train spotters)😃
That is exactly how I started but I had been interested in home brewing and wanted to start for many years but seemed quite hard and intimidating to get into. But like with alot of things in life...life got in the way. However COVID gave me the opportunity to start it up - and managed to rope in a few mates so its always better to make a social thing out of it.

Not sure I'm seen as a Morris dancer type as such. Almost everyone I know when I've told them I homebrew are instantly interested and are keen to have a sample or two either for themselves or for their spouse. And had a few requests to brew batches for parties. Not saying its a cool thing at all but, I'm amazed at the number of people I hadn't got down as people who are not particularly beer drinkers other than at social occasions but actually do like beer, or those who do drink beer, but are super keen to try something other than the mass produced commercialised swill that is on offer in most pubs and bars.

We'll see how long I keep it up. For me its a retirement project too, so that is driving me..I have 5 - 8 years before I'm in the 'early retirement window' and would be great to build up my skill over that time so that when I do eventually retire from my current day job I can set up a nano brewery and supply local pubs and bars...as long as it covers its costs and makes me a bit of beer money I'll be happy. I have to have something to do in retirement, I cant sit around and do nothing.
Does it factor in COVID lockdowns & people being bored at home?

Before that, people might be given a home brew starter kit for Christmas that got used once or twice.
Those of us the made our beer were viewed as slightly eccentric (like Morris dancers or train spotters)😃
I Morris dance while train spotting.
Am I eccentric?
This is most interesting. Hop forward styles on the wane. A sign that people are getting bored with the market saturation of hazies and are brewing what they don't see commercially?

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I think it's just brewers maturing and trying to brew new things.
I like APAs/IPAs/DIPAs the most, so when I started out this is what I brewed. Since then I've done a saison, a blonde, an impy stout, sours etc to keep things interesting.
Well hop forward styles are expensive, and getting more expensive, and the higher beer prices are not necessarily popular with the bulk of drinkers who, unfortunately put price ahead of quality. Of the two pubs in my village both of the best selling beers are commercialised swill and if one pub puts up the price of a pint of said swill by was little as 20p per pint then they will lose custom to the other pub...so trying to get people like that to pay £7 for a DIPA is just a pipe dream.

Like trying to get those who spend 20p on a highly processed white sliced loaf to start spending a couple of quid on an 'artisan sourdough bloomer' that you have to slice yourself...just not going to happen.

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