What are you drinking tonight?

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Used to live in Louth. Bloody long time ago mind you. Where did you get the recipe?

Didn't get the recipe, I just bought the kit from Grimsby Homebrew ...


The Fulstow Brewery range is great and you can go to their own pub, the Gas Light Lounge, to see what they should taste like.

Louth? Great little town. I was a policeman there in 1962/63 ... :thumb: :thumb:

... which was also a bloody long time ago! :lol: :lol:
One of the best beers I have made was a Cornish Tin Miners Ale. This was really bright, great taste and even went down well as a Xmas present for #2 daughter's BF's stepdad (4 litres, I donated) who "only likes Golden Ales".

Second effort has picked up a noticeable Chlorophenol aroma. Not nice at all. But drinking it, I am. Not a sipping beer, but a gulping beer.

Just can't bear to chuck it when it's as drinkable as much of the stuff I have drunk in the past. Hey-ho, just don't breathe out until it has all gone down.

Sad, but true :doh:
its a Chinook SMASH for me tonite, and very nice too, whilst watching the cricket!
After a pooish day a chippy tea. ..weyhey! I'm starting with a Youngs AIPA which I've scoffed and it's had the desired effect.....stout next!


Just had a bottle of Purity Mad Goose. I don't know if it's something I've eaten today, but it seriously tasted of fish oil. Revolting.
Didn't get the recipe, I just bought the kit from Grimsby Homebrew ...


The Fulstow Brewery range is great and you can go to their own pub, the Gas Light Lounge, to see what they should taste like.

Louth? Great little town. I was a policeman there in 1962/63 ... :thumb: :thumb:

... which was also a bloody long time ago! :lol: :lol:

Wow that's bizarre i had a dream about Mild last night after reading this. Cant believe you were a copper lol. Do they sell that in bottles? I might do a 10l batch of Mild tomorrow if i get time. Small old world sometimes, Cheers to you Dutto :)
A supplier at work just bought me this for pushing a big contract his way! Top man!

Nice to know there are still some genuinely decent folk around :thumb:

Guess what I'm on tonight while watching the footy!


Ohhhhh! I like this one..
Tropical and the chinook and other hops makes it an good one....but I wouldn't like to drink it all night! The tropical taste is overwhelming tbh! Good the bitterness taste is in proportion.
Crisp pale ale...hmmmm!

Ohhhhh! I like this one..
Tropical and the chinook and other hops makes it an good one....but I wouldn't like to drink it all night! The tropical taste is overwhelming tbh! Good the bitterness taste is in proportion.
Crisp pale ale...hmmmm!
Mmmm I like all the hen range from golden,hoppy, Speckled and old crafty all in that order 🍺

Sent from my ALE-L21
Wow that's bizarre i had a dream about Mild last night after reading this. Cant believe you were a copper lol. Do they sell that in bottles? I might do a 10l batch of Mild tomorrow if i get time. Small old world sometimes, Cheers to you Dutto :)

I was a copper (PC149) for just over four years, but not a very good one. :whistle:

I don't know about the bottles but at The Gas Light Lounge they always have some of their "Homebrew" recipes on the taps. I was really chuffed that the ones I have brewed have turned out as good as they did.

Having done a number of Fulstow kits I felt ready to get stuck into AG brewing and now designing my own brews.

All of the Fulstow kits were 95% the same as they sell at the bar in Louth ... :thumb:

... and the other 5% I put down to my "near enough is good enough" method of brewing. :whistle:

Weirdly, I love a Mild of an evening in winter, but wouldn't dream of drinking it in the summer. :doh:
Was drinking a John Bull IPA with. Cascade dry hop, but the wife has nicked it. Missed out on this at the Tesco sale as wasn't impressed with it at first tasted, 4 weeks on its lovely!!
I'm just about to start on my last few pints of London pride 4.5%
should last me the day.i do have another barrel of London pride also a bass bitter
Last night - (followed by a couple of glasses of Sav Blanc)


4 for £5 ASDA.

Tonight - (followed by a couple of glasses of Sav Blanc)

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