what pets

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Jan 21, 2017
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iver bucks
what pets do you have
I have a jack russel and koi carp
also thinking of getting a spider
Mrs Tea has a cat and my son has a millipede, i used to have dogs (springer spaniels) but once kids came along we didn't replace the last one and then picking up the poo came in and that was the last time i thought about owning another shame really as it gave me a good excuse to get my lazy **** off the sofa.

My sons is about half the size as its only young but its just as entertaining, Mrs Tea will not touch it. :lol:


2 cats. Niall, a black cat named after Niall Quinn, and Daisy who is a fluffy tortie.
Two buns. They both seem to appreciate good music and fine foods.

Down from 3 cats and god knows how many strays Mrs Dog was feeding to just one in house cat,all the strays have suddenly disappeared, I keep checking to see if there's a new Chinese fast food takeaway recently opened
Down from 3 cats and god knows how many strays Mrs Dog was feeding to just one in house cat,all the strays have suddenly disappeared, I keep checking to see if there's a new Chinese fast food takeaway recently opened

Love Chinese Chicken.............
2 cats, Jack Russel/Staffie cross dog, 2 corn snakes, 1 leopard gecko, giant African land snails, freshwater shrimp, about 15 tarantulas, and 2 Greek ladybird spiders. You did ask..... Lol

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2 cats, Jack Russel/Staffie cross dog, 2 corn snakes, 1 leopard gecko, giant African land snails, freshwater shrimp, about 15 tarantulas, and 2 Greek ladybird spiders. You did ask..... Lol

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Now you have to post pictures of the snails, and you know it!
Of every pet we have, you want to see a boring snail? Lol

I'll try to get a pic tomorrow. 😛

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Three Bunnie's who eat everything in the garden and they belong to the three eldest but who buy their food,who builds their hutch and who tells the Wain's to clean the &-+_£#@ hutch out!!!!!!

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I have a 14 year old Cocker spaniel, who is old mostly blind had a bit of a stroke last year but happy enough..

Like Chippy I think when he finally leaves us (I will be devastated) I don't think we will get another dog, now with two kids and Wife working more and more hours due to understaffing on her ward it seems less of a good idea.. will probably end up with a cat at some point..

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