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A life like any other, By Alan Bennet.. due to world book night :clap:
Just reading the 1st Fwashman book, a great read would make a cracking IPA name!
After reading this thread I feel a return to disc world is due :thumb:

Its given me more pleasant hours of reading and more chuckles than any other set of books.
OK if your not into Trolls Dwarves etc just change them into human beings in your mind, we have all met that person in life.
The setting up of the Watch ( their Police Force ) is a joy to read, I've worked alongside Detitus ( can I hit him now boss !" )and Corporal Cuthbert St.J Nobbs ( kick him inna forks ) for many years....
The Reason Why by Cecil Woodham-Smith.

An extraordinary read telling the story of the Light Brigade from the angle of the converging lives of Lucan and Cardigan. Highly recommended. One of the best military history books I have read.

Whats more, the author is a gurl! :shock:
Baldbrewer said:
Just reading the 1st Fwashman book, a great read would make a cracking IPA name!
After reading this thread I feel a return to disc world is due :thumb:

Haw Haw!

Edit, I didnt realise why Cardigan always spoke like that to Flashman until I started reading the book above.

Apparently it was the fashion amongst cavalry officers to pronounce their 'r's as 'w's so they would say "sowwy" and "wealy?" instead of "sorry" or "really?" and to randomly insert "haw haw"s into their sentences.
My military history reading list (in no particular order)

The Reason Why - Cecil Woodham Smith
Redcoat - Richard Holmes
Blitzkreig - Len Deighton
Fighter - Len Deighton
Luftwaffe, Strategy for Defeat - William Murray
First Day of the Somme - Martin Middlebrook
Stalingrad - Anthony Beevor
Berlin - Anthony Beevor
The Rommel Papers - BH Liddel Hart (editor)
With Rommel in the Desert - Heinz W Schmidt
Just finished terry ptrachett's Dodger, he kind of brings ankh morpork to London.
I've read just about every disc world book, with Sam vimes being my favourite character.

My bog book right now is ian botham's autobiography

I'm awaiting the final wheel of time and the next song of ice and fire (game of thrones) with interest.
Total Guitar magazine. Not really a book person, but I do like reading when I'm on holiday. I like the crime books about gangs and that, seeing how the criminal mind works, especially the books about the Mafia. One book I did read that I remember fondly is called No Angel. It's written by an ex cop that was part of a team that infiltrated the Hells Angels and it's documenting it all. Couldn't put the book down!
I'm reading Honor of the Clan by John Ringo and Julie Cochrane.

Good series but the funny thing is that when I originally picked up the first book A Hymn Before Battle I thought it was just a stand alone book. It turns out it was the first of a series which, including spin offs with co-authors, comes to a total of 12 books, so far. I believe I have one more book and then I am finally through with the series. Don't get me wrong, this is a great series of books but it will be nice to read something different.

I'm also working my way through IPA: Brewing Techniques, Recipes and the Evolution of India Pale Ale by Mitch Steele.

- Scott
ano said:
Anyone got a kindle? With out of copyright classics going for next to nothing (i.e. complete works of Shakespeare for less than a quid, Dickens etc) it almost seems like a good deal. I saw a bloke on a plane recently with one and the screen looked really good, not very reflective so a fairly matt finish like some lcd tvs. Sorely tempted.

Anyway I've got love in the time of cholera, the manual of freediving and Stewart Lee - how i escaped my certain fate by my bedside at the moment.
I love my Kindle, it supplements my book collecting habit rather than replacing them! Go for the basic model, a one trick pony but boy has it got that trick down to perfection. I have a lot of word docs on my pc that I converted to be able to read on a Kindle.

And er as ever reading loads of Pratchett along with the Stephen King 23 11 63 mixing time travel and the Kennedy assasination
Kindle....brill :thumb: I've downloaded a few books about grains & yeast from Amazon.

I like the sound of that
spike418 said:
Stephen King 23 11 63 mixing time travel and the Kennedy assasination
Kindle is so good I just bought my daughter one for Christmas.

As a basic book reader it does its job brilliantly, not been tempted with the new one to watch videos etc, just the ability to carry 1000's of books around with me and read whenever, is fine.
One book of interest I've just finished reading is.... Hops and Glory by Pete Brown. his adventure to re create the journey of a cask of India Pale Ale to the Indian Continent as of old. interspersed with lots of good juicy historical facts of IPA's

All TP books downloaded of course and I read and re read them continually.

Saves on having to have a bookcase.
Although I have a kindle for some reason I prefer to read from my nexus 7. Just seems to do a better job for me.

Reading Lord of the Rings at the moment. I have managed to start this book soo many times and never actually finish it. I plan to actually complete it this time lol.
Stihler said:
I'm also working my way through IPA: Brewing Techniques, Recipes and the Evolution of India Pale Ale by Mitch Steele.

- Scott

Just been listening to last weeks Basic brewing radio podcast with mitch steele who was talking about his book. It sounded interesting.

I'm reading War and Peace (and have been for almost a year :roll: )