The Coronavirus thread.

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More Trump crazyness. Anyone fancy an injection of disinfectant?

"US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body."
It's OK now he said he was being sarcastic which may be even worse joking about a virus that's killing more each day. Can't belive he said it.
It has got to the stage where normality sarky, jokes or light hearted coments are taken literally. If you look on TV now its mostly negative ****, that's become our entertainment, Sad. I like trump for his self honesty right or wrong he answers questions showing his normality apposed to non answering two faced false politicians. I do think he is risking alot here though.
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It has got to the stage where normality sarky, jokes or light hearted coments are taken literally.
There was nothing sarcastic, joking or light-hearted about the injection comment, it was ignorance and stupidity plain and simple. Why would you make sarcastic comments in a daily briefing on fighting the virus?
It has got to the stage where normality sarky, jokes or light hearted coments are taken literally. If you look on TV now its mostly negative s**t, that's become our entertainment, Sad. I like trump for his self honesty right or wrong he answers questions showing his normality apposed to non answering two faced false politicians. I do think he is risking alot here though.

Trumps honesty is really ignorance. He came out with the stuff about injecting disinfectant because he misunderstood what whitehouse scientists had said about disinfectant's possible ability to kill the virus. There's a difference between political spin and just coming out with stuff without thinking about it first.
I understand your desire for politicians to simply tell us the truth about things and to stop lying and treating us like children. But the man is dangerous. Several people in the US have already been killed or hospitalised because he promoted hydroxichloroquine as a cure for the virus
I think the shortest circular route around mine is 10 miles, will be doing a few of those.
I tend not to cycle any further than I can walk home in case my bike fails. I did have a 10 mile walk home a few years ago when my chain snapped. So whilst my cycle may end up at around 20 miles I'm never more than 10 from home. That's about 90 mins.
Several people in the US have already been killed or hospitalised because he promoted hydroxichloroquine as a cure for the virus
My Mrs is on that anyway for her arthritis. It's on our governments list of medicines that if you're on any of them you need to self isolate. As I understand it it's an imunosupresant so why anyone would think it would be effective against C-19 is beyond me.
My Mrs is on that anyway for her arthritis. It's on our governments list of medicines that if you're on any of them you need to self isolate. As I understand it it's an imunosupresant so why anyone would think it would be effective against C-19 is beyond me.

Trump supporters dont seem to be the sharpest knives in the cutlery drawer. Yesterday I linked a story about a couple who confused the name with a fish parasite poison and it killed the hubby and hospitalised the wife
Hydroxychloroquine is widely used to manage inflammatory arthropathies such as Rheumatoid arthritis. Its use, however, is very closely monitored with blood tests and eye exams as it can affect white blood cells and neutrophils and can cause retinal problems.

It is very toxic and so medical professionals use their expertise to control its use. The fact that Trump thinks he knows anything about its use or potential effects is laughable. If he survives this crisis politically it will be a miracle.
I wonder how many people are booking these tests thinking they will find out if they have had it or may have it even though they have no symptoms (which is not what the test does) probably the same selfish people that panic bought all the hand sanitiser and food when this started.

Coronavirus tests for UK key workers were booked up through the government website within an hour of it reopening, apart from some in Scotland.

The site had to close to new applicants within hours of launching on Friday, after 46,000 people tried to access it. Some 16,000 bookings were made.

Home testing kits became unavailable less than 15 minutes after bookings reopened on Saturday morning.

Tests at drive-through sites in England were booked up within an hour.

Requests for drive-through tests in Scotland are still currently available on the site.

For key workers in England and Scotland with symptoms of the virus, No 10 has said appointments for tests at drive-through centres and home testing kits would become available each day from 08:00 BST, with their release staggered throughout the day.

Key workers in Wales and Northern Ireland cannot currently book tests online. Both nations appear as options on the government's online system but with a label saying no slots are available.
Lets hope so -

Coronavirus: 'We are at the peak' of COVID-19 outbreak, Matt Hancock tells MPs

The UK is "at the peak" of the coronavirus outbreak, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has told MPs - on the same day the number of UK hospital deaths rose above 18,000.

Delivering an update on the government's COVID-19 response in the House of Commons on Wednesday, Mr Hancock thanked the British public for their "steadfast commitment" in following lockdown rules.

"It is making a difference, we are at the peak," he said.

But the health secretary added that social distancing measures would not be relaxed or changed until the government's five tests for exiting the lockdown are reached.

The Department of Health and Social Care later announced that, as of 5pm on Tuesday, 18,100 people had died in UK hospitals with coronavirus - a rise of 763 deaths reported in the last 24 hours.

Another 665 people had died in English hospitals after testing positive with COVID-19, bringing the total to 16,272.

In Scotland, another 77 hospital patients had died with coronavirus in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 1,062.
Analysis box by Nick Triggle, health correspondent

The fact we have now passed the grim milestone outlined by Sir Patrick Vallance in less than two months is both a tragedy for the families affected and a worry to the rest of the country.

There are strong signs - at least in hospitals - that we have passed the peak of deaths.

The fact that may have happened without the health service being overwhelmed in the way Italy's was is at least some good news.

However, the deaths in care homes, which the daily figures from government do not include, are rising rapidly and could prove very difficult to get under control.

In fact, if we included them we would have passed the 20,000 mark some time ago.
City pub caught pulling pints
A pub has had its licence suspended after police found it open for business and serving alcohol despite lockdown measures.
The Pendulum in Pendeford, Wolverhampton, will be able to apply for a review in a month after the city's council suspended its license for flouting the rules.

Shops, pubs, restaurants and all non-essential businesses have been closed in response to the pandemic.
West Midlands Police said the government rules were "very clear" and said to ignore them risked a prison sentence.


The Pendulum pub in Wolverhampton

City pub caught pulling pints
A pub has had its licence suspended after police found it open for business and serving alcohol despite lockdown measures.
The Pendulum in Pendeford, Wolverhampton, will be able to apply for a review in a month after the city's council suspended its license for flouting the rules.

Shops, pubs, restaurants and all non-essential businesses have been closed in response to the pandemic.
West Midlands Police said the government rules were "very clear" and said to ignore them risked a prison sentence.

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Tbh, I can half understand this. This pub is probably going to go out of business by the end of the lockdown (along with many, many others). In exremis, what do you do? Lose your livelihood or take the risk of being caught. To me it's like if you didnt have any money for food and no way of getting any. Shop lifting is againt the law, but wouldnt you go and nick a loaf of bread from Tesco. Obviously though there's the implications of what could happen (vis a vie spreading the virus about)
Tbh, I can half understand this. This pub is probably going to go out of business by the end of the lockdown (along with many, many others). In exremis, what do you do? Lose your livelihood or take the risk of being caught. To me it's like if you didnt have any money for food and no way of getting any. Shop lifting is againt the law, but wouldnt you go and nick a loaf of bread from Tesco. Obviously though there's the implications of what could happen (vis a vie spreading the virus about)

Could they sell their beer if people took bottlers or containers to the pub?

I get the point about them losing their business but is it worth the risk of losing your life if they are in closer contact than what is advised and touching glasses that have been in peoples mouths the risk of catching Covuid must be much higher.
I get the point about them losing their business but is it worth the risk of losing your life if they are in closer contact than what is advised and touching glasses that have been in peoples mouths the risk of catching Covuid must be much higher.

That's definatley the bigger point/picture. Im guessing in the Landlords mind, was weighing up the almost certainty of losing his business against the lesser(?) possibility of catching it and maybe dying.

Im not sure of the legalities of doing 'take outs' here. I know they were doing it in places in Europe. There was a story in the papers about prague and a call out to pilsner brewers to the population to go to pubs to get take out pilsner so it didnt all go to waste